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Colin Chapman will be pleased to travel to any location to lecture on the following topics to a wide variety of audiences. Each lecture can be presented at an advanced, intermediate or beginner level, as required, to meet the needs of the listeners.


[All lectures are illustrated with a PowerPoint presentation]


Tracing Your British Ancestors – English, Welsh, Scottish, Irish, Manx, Channel Islanders


The Procedures and Language of Probate – Wills, Testaments, Inventories etc.


Church Courts Records in Family History Research – Some Sin, Sex and Probate


Marriage Laws, Records and Customs – Was Your Ancestor Really Married ?


Genealogy in Early British Censuses – 1086 to 1841


The Workhouse and Poorhouse – 700 years of Old & New Poor Laws


Prisoners of The Great (1914-19) War – A Saga of Some POW Camps in Britain


Family History from Education Records – Schools, Universities, Reformatories


Manor Court Rolls and Genealogical Research – Eleventh to Twentieth Centuries


Family History in Old Newspapers & Periodicals – Expected and Unexpected Sources


Migration: Internal, Immigration and Emigration – Tracking That Elusive Ancestor


Tracing a Naval Ancestor – Using Primary and Secondary Sources


Was Your Ancestor a Criminal ? – An Examination of 18th and 19th Century Crime


With Whom Did Your Ancestors Meet ? – They Didn't Live in a Vacuum


Civil Registration History and Pitfalls – Can You Trust the Certificates ?


Heraldry CAN be Understood – And Enjoyed by Us All !


Your Ancestors, Population and Birth Control – Contraception Delicately Delineated


Following Alex Haley’s Roots to The Gambia – A Genealogical Travelogue


Seasonal Customs and Traditions – Past Winter and Christmas Festivals

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